Tazama’s One Year Anniversary

December 10, 2025

Well, would you look at that. We’ve been a project in the Linux Foundation for a whole year! This is a great opportunity to look back and reflect on some of the highlights from the past year.

First and foremost, we are truly honoured to be part of The Linux Foundation and grateful for the support and direction we’ve received.

Hot on the heals of our assimilation, we settled our branding (twice) and ultimately became Tazama. Our name is a Swahili word that means to look, to watch, to inspect, investigate, or examine: the perfect choice for us. With the name came a logo and assets and banners and a website: everything a growing product needs.

As we grew, our team also grew: from 3 to 6 to 8 to 10 people!

We’ve popped out two major releases this year: our “Shaving the Yak” foundational 2.0.0 release mid-way through the year, and our second 2.1.0 feature release, just the other day. Our latest release saw the largest and most diverse community participation to date, showing the amazing growth in our community as well.

We’ve been getting out and about, attending and presenting at a number of summits and conferences. You may have seen us at FINOS London, the Mojaloop Foundation Convening in Kenya, the East Africa Investment Forum (our first booth!) in Dar Es Salaam, and the Interledger Foundation Summit in Cape Town.

We were also honoured and thrilled to be recognised as a new member of the Digital Public Goods Alliance and we cemented our induction by attending the first ever Digital Public Infrastructure Summit in Cairo, Egypt.

Thank you to our team, our system integrators and partners, our users, and everyone in our community for making the last year so amazing through all your contributions. We look forward to another, even bigger and better year in 2025!